Кто какую музыку слушает

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Активный участник
Теплых стран в этом году, увы, не получилось ( и не получиться уже )



Местный знаток
Ну как это исполнить на уровне?
Автор - хитрый садюга

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Гуру форума
кто в музыке шарит
круто пацан выкрутился когда струна на балалайке лопнула
ох люблю живую музыку )))


Гуру форума
просто музыку сижу слушаю и наблюдаю за фуйком )))

смотри как девка динамику рубит ...
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Местный житель
ANDROMEDA -https://soundcloud.com/lxst_cxntury/andromeda
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Ротан Мардарий

Местный знаток

Our honeymoon is over
And the best days of our love
Are dead and gone
Instead of growing closer
This time goes on and on
We're getting miles apart
Though you're beside me as before
And when we kiss goodnight I find...

...That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams
That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams

We're using the same bathroom
Where your personal things
Are lying close to mine
And I know that our clothes
Are drying on the same line
When friends come to call
They read our names on the door
If they could read our minds, they'd find...

...That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams
That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams

(We're) talking about problems
But we keep our feelings deep inside
We never say a tender word
We couldn't even if we tried
It's hard to realize you're the girl
I've been waiting for
'Cause when we kiss goodnight I find...

...That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams
That since we're sharing the same bed
We're not sharing the same dreams


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