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Bist100'de kısa vadeli dip rakamı 97.800 dür.
1-2 haftalık silkelemeden sonra ilk etapta tekrar 116.000 civarı test edilecek bana göre.
Detaylı yorumu hafta sonu yapacağım.
Short-term bottom figure in bist100 is 97.800.
1-2 weeks after the fluctuation of the first stage again 116.000 to be tested for me.
I'il make a detailed comment this weekend.
Regulatory support resistance is determined by zigzag ind. First, the weekly chart opens. Then zigzag ind. is added to the chart. Zigzag is added to the lowest or highest level of the breaking bar from left to right. Like the example. This is the most convenient and method of determining the resistance to the rule of support. All other methods are wrong. That's the main task of the zizag indicator.
For Bist100 I can cancel the last analysis that I made outside the signal at any time.
Even though the analysis is profitable and successful, I can not put my followers at risk. Let's wait a moment.