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Недавно здесь сову выкладывали.Посмотрел в тестере с начала года - вроде достойна внимания.Все по класике - евер м15 стоп 100 пп и тейк 300пп.
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Опыт ,, дедушки ,, Форекса

It seems to me that the new traders (Novices) get a lot of crap here. I don't want to sound conceded but i was a 40 year professional floor trader in the S&P pits. now (retired) now days i only trade forex. when i feel like it. Honestly, if you were to have total freedom to design the most ideal market for short-term trading, your dream market would probably fall short of what the forex has to offer the day trader.No pit or floor broker involvement.
Tight spreads.
Minimal slippage.
No accounting mine fields.
Hedging opportunities.
Plus, these markets are, and always will be, totally fair. No corruption, no manipulation, no inside trading and no scandals to deal with. That alone is worth the switch from futures and stocks.I can't understand what all these at home traders are thinking about, it's really amazing to me. I'm not really sure how they think they can buy some trading system, or attend a seminar and instantiy start making money. I've been on the trading floor for a lot of years and i made a lot of money, (I know the
trading pits and forex are not the same) If some guy off the street thinks they are going to read some book or attend a seminar over the weekend and be able to take money from me, they are sadly mistaken!Every guru who told you that their system or methods would make you a lot of money has been lying to you.
they promise they can make you a successful trader overnight. How can that be true?? It took me a good
solid five years before i started making really good money! And that was on the trading floor being exposed to many profitable traders. How are you going to learn to be successful in a couple of days or weeks with some book or trading system?All i can say is find your own trading method, and KEEP IT SIMPLE. mastering your method means you're the star. You're in total control of your trades and your financial destiny.What works for some people may not work for others. this is what works for me.I am a Day Trader. I use a 1 minute chart of the EUR/USD, because of the tight spread.2 moving averages. and some times a stochastic. Most traditional methods of trading use multiple time frame charts. the 5-, 10-, and 30 minute charts are all supposed to somehow give us some magical power and accuracy when these charts confirm a certain price movement. The biggest disadvantage of those
methods, general, is missing a lot of opportunities.Take a look at a one-minute chart of the EUR/USD, and you'll notice something. The vast majority of the time, the EUR/USD moves up and down at least 10 points or more every 5 to 20 minutes. For instance, if we have a total 10 point move on a 1 minute chart. I can get in and outof that move and make a 10 points with ease. But,if i wait for a 5 minute chart, etc., by the time it shows the confirmation, guess what? the 10 point move is over! Even if i use a single, five-minute chart, 90% of our signals are never seen.With multiple time frames, I miss a lot of opportunities to catch the small movements, that could mean a substantial gain, depending on how many pips are being traded.A single, one-minute chart and two tuned indicators combine forces seek out even the slightest moves in the market and lets me turn them into quick, in-and-out trades.I don't use pattern recognition methods. candlesticks. I don't try to predict trends or the future, or resistance and support levels, or pivots, when the market moves i move with it.The best trading hours for me are the first and last two hours of the market. (the london session and New York session).take a look on the fxgame at the EUR/USD chart with a EMA 5-20 crossover from 1:15 to 7:00 am count my trades, when the 7:00 am trade is over, my day is over, have a good day.First, my best trading hours are the first two and last two hours in the london session. And the first two and last two hours in the New York Session, it is in these times you will catch the best trends using the 5-10 crossovers.I do not trade all crossovers, because i know that the operators change the trading zones within a 40-50-60 pips spread, more or less.The shift in trading zone causes confusion and surprise to the trader, the trader fails to act smart and result in misunderstanding of the direction of the market and losses in the game. Yes i do sometimes get trap by the operators and have unexpected losses.When i book profit or losses, i don't re-enter right away, i wait to see if the operators are changing the zone, some times they do and some time they don't.Understanding the intension of the operator and trade accordingly will give promising results. Only time and experience and learning to read the charts will help, this is something i can not teach, if you look for the trends in the times i gave you, you will catch on real fast.The only reason i use the 1-min chart is when the market moves i move with it. Please play with this on
the FXgame, before you trade for real ok.To me, forex trading is 90% psychology and 10% trading.Here is a little tip.
When i buy EUR/USD, at the same time i sell USD/CHF.
When i sell EUR/USD, at the same time i buy USD/CHF.
most of the time.Tom my method follows the kiss approach "KEEP IT SIMPLE SCALPER" yes Tom i am a scalper, it is with this
approach i have made millions and millions of dollars in my career, and still do.Tom, here is the secret to reading the tape.
Japanese Candlesticks are a form of tape reading. You;re reading the bars, seeing the story of SUPPLY and
DEMAND. That's the KEY!I forgot to add this, since i scalp the markets, 2 or 3 pips etc, means a lot of money for me. I trade a large amount of pips when i trade, most of the time i win more then 10 pips, but i will take 3-4-5 pips if i can get them.oh..I know what i am telling everone in all of my posts i have put clues, clues, clues,
you are the first to pick up on what i have been trying to tell everone.A TRADING METHOD MUST FIT YOUR STYLE OF TRADING, AS WELL AS YOUR PERSONALITY..Now you are thinking out side of the box!
With experience and your style of trading you will be trading and thinking like the great trading Pro's
that i have know down thru the years.rwilliams, here is one more clue."CONCEPTS"
Master your style, and Master it well. then come and play were the big boys play.I trade when i want to.
I don't trade every day.
I don't take every trade.
I don't trade and fight the market all day.The only thing you can control about the markets, is when you buy, and when you sell.USDTrader uses the 5-20 and 5-10 EMA lines.
ie When the 20 EMA line is below the 5 EMA line and is sloping up he buys. When the 20 EMA line is above the 5 EMA line and sloping down he sells.
Another way of putting it, is that USDTrader surfs the EMA waves.
He does not try to predict which way the market is going. He just follows the current trend on the 1 minute graph and trades with the flow.
Most people posting on forum use the left side of their brain (Analysis) and try to work out where a currency is going to go next based on historical analysis.
USDTrader uses the right side of his brain and just trades the way the curve is going in the present. Life is too short, enjoy it while you can.
KEEP IT SIMPLE, and don't ever give up!


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запомнилась часть названия "Летний" :)
Она не в этой ветке была. Вы ошиблись. Лежит здесь: http://forexsystemsru.com/sovetniki-eksperty-foreks-roboty/76349-sovetnik-na-lyubimom-indyuke-ili-fabrika-monstrov-30.html Пост 597.


На мой взгляд отличная стратегия, взятая мной уже давненько на одном из форумов. Описание и сопутствующие индикаторы в архиве.


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Какие параметры? давай посмотрим.оО

да особ ничего нового, отступ 150 пунктов 500 профит, лось 300... пара евра М15, надо еще по времени тоже поиграться в ночное время волотильности не хвататт, лоси частенько в ночное раноутреннее время по москве проскакивают. надо еще в этот вопрос проработать. на других парах пробовал, в основном слив идет или маленький профит


я тут вспомнил вот...

торгуем в среднесрочном периоде - несколько дней.
вход на m15, минимум "шума и пыли" // потери - минимальны // время - экономия = но следить всё же надо
:rolf: :rolf: :rolf:
зато посмотрите на выхлоп - красота!!!
:pila: :e-money: :broker: - ***пилим бабло брокера*** == короче, ловим тренд ++ доливки на отскоках
Посмотреть вложение 218205
Посмотреть вложение 218204

в дополнение к этому, можете использовать этот канал (МА + ATR)

Посмотреть вложение Keltner Channels F1 mtf.zip

всем кто ищет Грааль - внимательно читаем эту ветку __ http://forexsystemsru.com/indikatory-foreks/70042-kak-sdelat`-samomu-trendovyi-indikator.html === fvaiu говорим "СПАСИБО" *hi* *hi* *hi*